Mobile Pay Available in Metered Parking

June 05, 2019

TAPS has implemented ParkMobile, a mobile-app pay option, to replace coins and ParkCards at metered spaces.Download the ParkMobile app ahead of time to be ready when you arrive on campus. 

The ParkMobile app is easy to use:

  • Download the ParkMobile app on your smartphone and register for an account.
  • When at a ParkMobile enabled space, open the app and enter the zone number indicated on the decal or sign, along with your vehicle’s license plate number.
  • Parking Enforcement will be able to verify payment and expiration times based on your vehicle license plate number.
  • Follow the payment prompts.
  • Rest easy knowing your parking is paid for — no need to find coins in the cup holder or recharge your ParkCard.
Don’t have a smartphone? Call the toll-free number displayed on the decal or sign to pay by credit card over the phone.

Note: The ParkMobile app will permit your vehicle to stay parked for only the maximum time limit. You cannot extend past this time in the app unless you leave the parking area (zone) for a duration equivalent to the maximum time limit. For example, if you pay and park for the maximum time in a two-hour zone, you cannot start a new parking transaction in this zone for another two hours. This way, more of the campus population can benefit from short-term on-demand parking.