Bike Routes

UCSC Bike Path

One of the most popular bike routes on campus is the Class I bike path through the Great Meadow. The downhill journey can be stunningly beautiful, with a view of the entire Monterey Bay, but cyclists need to take precautions to stay safe. Deer, coyotes, ground squirrels or snakes can cross in front of you; pedestrians often walk near (or on) the bike path; gravel, loose dirt or sand can be present; and crosswinds can be challenging to handle. The best way to stay safe is to always wear a helmet, utilize bike lights at night, prepare for the unexpected, and control your speed when traveling downhill.

Choosing a Safe Route

When traveling to the campus through the City of Santa Cruz, take time to plan your route to avoid heavily congested areas – especially Mission Street, which serves as a primary route for heavy trucks. The Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission produces a very detailed map of bike routes that is available through TAPS by calling (831) 502-7942. A PDF showing safe routes to the UCSC Westside Bike Shuttle is available.