Go Santa Cruz County
GO Santa Cruz County rewards Santa Cruz County travelers with incentives to choose an earth-friendly commute. You’ll earn points that can be redeemed for rewards when you walk, bike, carpool, ride the bus, vanpool, or telecommute to work and/or class.
How it Works
GO Santa Cruz County features an online commute management tool available to all employees or students who live or work in Santa Cruz County. Community members can register by visiting https://my.cruz511.org/s/ucsc and joining GO Santa Cruz County to start earning rewards. Make sure you use your UCSC email address to access the private UCSC network.
Earn Rewards for Helping the Planet!
- GO Santa Cruz County points are earned through the Commute Rewards Program. Points can be accumulated and redeemed for $10 e-gift cards via Tango or you can donate to your favorite charity.
- When you travel using sustainable transportation, it’s worth 10 points, max 20 points/day.
- Participants can earn up to $100 in gift cards thorugh June 30, 2023
- Bonus: Every trip logged within a month is automatically entered to win a $25 Visa Gift Card that can be used at local businesses!