Bus Reservations

If you need to transport people to field trips or events off campus, you have a few options:

2-12 Passengers

Rent a vehicle from Fleet Services. Rates vary from $45-$85 per day.

Over 12 Passengers

Reserve a UCSC Bus & Driver

Bus Reservation Eligibility:

  • All requests for reserved service must be made 30 days in advance.
  • All reservation requests must be made or sponsored by a UC Santa Cruz department.  
  • No service to San Francisco Airport

To reserve a bus, please fill out the request form below. Once you have submitted the form, the Transit Office will contact you to confirm details.

PLEASE NOTE: Bus Reservations are accommodated based on driver and vehicle availability, and we cannot guarantee that all requests will be approved.

Reservation Fees

The following bus reservation fees all require a consecutive 4-hour minimum.

$58/hour (consecutive 4-hour minimum) 

Driver with Bus:
$126/hour (consecutive 4-hour minimum) 

Reservations canceled with less than 24 hours notice will incur full fees.

Access the form directly