About TAPS
- Transportation and Parking Services (TAPS) supports the University's mission by providing access to UC Santa Cruz, acting as fiscal stewards, and managing the sustainable planning, design, and operation of safe and equitable bicycle/pedestrian programs, transit services, parking, and other transportation-related needs.
- TAPS is dedicated to being innovative, sustainable, and customer-focused providers of access to UC Santa Cruz.
- TAPS Sales Office
The TAPS Parking Sales Office is open Monday through Friday from 7:00am to 5:00pm.
The Sales Office is located in the H Barn on the lower campus (map of location).
Phone: (831) 459-4543
Email: tapssales@ucsc.edu
Main Entrance Kiosk
TAPS staff sell daily permits to visitors and employees at the Main Entrance Kiosk from 8:00 a.m. to Noon and 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday (map of location). Those needing to purchase any type of permit after 4:00 p.m. can do so at the TAPS Parking Sales Office in the H Barn until 5:00 p.m.
Students may not purchase permits at the kiosk. The Advisory Committee on Campus Transportation and Parking (ACCTP) reviews policies, plans, capital improvement projects, and both existing and proposed transportation, parking, and circulation programs and services for the UCSC main campus, 2300 Delaware Avenue, and the Coastal Science Campus. The committee should also be engaged in discussions about the transportation-related services at other campus-owned facilities and satellite campuses. Their primary objective is to recommend a sustainable funding model that a) ensures adequate support of programs, services and infrastructure to provide access to campus-owned facilities and b) aligns with campus goals related to sustainability and the limits imposed on campus by the Long Range Development Plan (LRDP).
Guidance documents include long range development plans, major and minor capital improvement programs, sustainability plans, climate action plans, agreements with Santa Cruz City and County, mitigation monitoring programs, and applicable University, regional, state, and federal policies and regulations.
The committee will advise on annual updates to the 10-Year Parking Plan and 5-Year Transit Plan, and associated fee and fare proposals necessary to support those Plans.
Staff to the Committee will provide data and analysis to inform decision-making, such as traffic counts, mode split data, parking utilization, transit ridership trends, survey results, and budget documents.
Committee membership, 2024-2025:
Clement Stokes, Associate Vice Chancellor, Risk & Safety Services (Chair)
Katie Ritchey, Representative, SAB
Erin Johnson, Representative, Staff at-large
Oxo Slayer, Director, Capital Planning and Space Management
Alex McCafferty, Director, Costing, Planning and Budget
Sarah Jane Casciato, Director, Costing, Planning and Budget
Jeremy Hourigan, Faculty Senate Committee on Planning and Budget
Elaine Sullivan, Faculty Senate Committee on Faculty Welfare
Vacant, Representative, Faculty at-large
Paul Wintz, Representative, Graduate Student
Lola Quiroga, Representative, Undergraduate Student
Vacant, Representative, Undergraduate Student