
TAPS manages a number of programs to promote alternatives to driving to campus alone. These include walking, cycling, riding transit, carpooling, and vanpooling. The majority of UCSC employees have found that they can use alternatives to driving alone at least one day a week.

If you are new to these different modes of transportation, you may be concerned about not having a car for personal emergencies. Fortunately, TAPS offers an Emergency Ride Home program for employees who choose to use an alternative to driving alone at least one day a week. Eligible employees will receive one $50 Uber voucher per year.

Cycling is an increasingly popular commute option. TAPS offers a wide range of programs for cyclists, including various parking options, free bike shuttles, classes, fix-it stations, and a bike commuter shower program. More information is available on the bike program page.

UCSC is lucky to have two transit systems serve the campus: the fare-free campus shuttle system operated by TAPS, and the county-wide bus system operated by the Santa Cruz Metropolitan Transit District, or METRO. TAPS offers a significantly subsidized employee bus pass that makes riding the METRO a great commuting bargain. With service throughout the county, employees find the METRO bus to be a safe and convenient way to get to and from campus. More information can be found under “Buses & Shuttles”.

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