Traffic & Parking Regulations

Revised 3/4/2025


UC Code Sections (Parking)
Other UC Code Sections
Related California Vehicle Code Sections
Other Information
Parking Citation Fine Amounts


To provide funds for maintaining, improving and expanding facilities, the Regents of the University of the California have directed that a system of parking fees be established on each campus of the University.


For the purpose of the regulations, all of the following words or phrases shall have the same meaning as these words or phrases as defined in the California Vehicle Code: alley, sidewalk, intersection, crosswalk, safety zone, vehicle, driver, traffic, right of way, park, official warning, direction signs and signals, stopping and standing, highway, bicycle, motorcycle, motorized bicycles, motorized scooters (e-scooters) and motor-driven cycle.

Core of the Campus

"Core of the Campus" shall mean that area between the coordinate line 183,400 N and 186,500 N between 1,543,850 E and 1,546,250 E as defined by the California Plane Coordinate System, Lambert Projection, Zone 111.

Emergency Vehicles

The provision of the regulations regulating the movement, parking and standing of vehicles shall not apply to vehicles of the UCSC Police or Fire Department, or any state or local police or fire department, or of a public utility while the driver or operator of such vehicle is engaged in the necessary performance of public emergency duties.

Loading Zone

Loading Zone shall mean an area designated for the loading or unloading of passengers or freight.


Pedestrian shall mean any person on foot, even if such person is pushing a bicycle.

Service Roads

Service roads are those portions of the roadways not open for general use by the public or students or faculty but which are necessary for the carrying out of maintenance, custodial, or public safety activities of the campus

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UC Code Sections (Parking)

13 UC Repairing of Vehicles
No repairs other than emergency repairs of a minor nature, shall be made on privately owned motor vehicles on campus. Inoperative vehicles shall not be stored on University property.

17 UC Pedestrian Right of Way
In the core of campus, and upon those sections of roadways specifically designated, vehicles shall yield the right of way to pedestrians.

18 UC Driving from Service Roads
All vehicles emerging from service roads shall stop at the entrance to any highway.

19 UC Boarding and Alighting from Vehicles
No person shall board or alight from any vehicle while such vehicle is in motion.

20 UC Restriction on Coasters, Roller Skates, etc.
No person shall go upon any highway, roadway, path, or bike path upon a coaster, roller skates, in-line skates, skateboard, toy vehicle, exclusively human powered scooter, motorized/e-scooter, or similar devices.

(a) with one prior citation the skateboard may be confiscated by the officer and the fine increased.

(b) with two or more prior citations the skateboard may be confiscated and the fine increased.

21 UC Obstruction of Highway, etc.
No person other than a duly authorized officer or employee of the University acting in the interest of the University shall obstruct, block or blockade any highway, roadway, path or sidewalk within the borders of the campus.

22 UC Removal of Safety Barricades
No unauthorized person shall remove a bollard, barrier, post or other barricade which has been placed for safety and/or convenience at a location deemed necessary by the University.

23 UC Replacing of Safety Barricades
Any authorized person removing an official bollard, barrier, post or other barricade from its designated position, for his/her own convenience, must replace same immediately after passing through.

24 UC Driving/Riding on Landscaped Area
No vehicle, other than emergency or service vehicles, shall be driven on any natural or landscaped area, or rural fire roads. No bicycle or horse, other than police bicycles or horses, shall be ridden on any natural or landscaped areas except designated fire roads and other paths designated for their use.

26 UC Restricted Areas
No unauthorized person shall drive/ride a vehicle, motorized bicycle, motorized scooter, or horse in an area prohibited from use by signs, barricades or by other means.

27 UC Restricted Areas (Motorcycles)
(a) Motorcycles shall be permitted only in the areas of the campus open to vehicles.

(b) Travel is permitted only on paved campus roads; not cross country or on open paths.

(c) Motorcycles must park only in designated motorcycle spaces, in ParkMobile spaces or in loading zones for the time specified.

28 UC Fire Hazards
Motor scooters, motor-driven cycles, motorized bicycles and motorcycles deemed by an officer of the UCSC Police or Fire Department to be a fire hazard in or near a building, will be removed at owner's expense.

29 UC Bicycle License Required
Bicycles used on campus shall be licensed. Licensing information may be obtained from the UCSC Transportation and Parking Services office.

31 UC Bicycle Paths
Bicycle paths are reserved for the use of bicycles, mopeds (under pedal power), and electrically motorized bicycles only. No gas-powered vehicles are permitted. Pedestrians, vehicles, motorcycles, motor-driven cycles, skateboards, in-line skates, horses, exclusively human powered scooters, and motorized/electric scooters are prohibited.

32 UC Bicycle Removal
(a) No person shall park, stand or lock any bicycle, motorized bicycle, motorized-scooter, or moped against any light post, stair, railing, ramp, path or any portion thereof.

(b) No person shall park, stand, or lock any bicycle, motorized bicycle, motorized-scooter, or moped in such a way as to block in any way a curb cut ramp or path of accessible travel, or any portion thereof.

(c) Bicycles, motorized bicycles, motorized scooters and mopeds (with pedals) when not in use, shall be parked in bicycle racks provided.

(d) Violation of this section may result in impoundment of the bicycle, motorized bicycle, motorized scooter, moped, or device by the UCSC Police Department. Any costs associated with the removal and impoundment (such as damage to the bicycle, motorized bicycle, motorized scooter, moped, vehicle, device or locking mechanism) shall be the responsibility of the owner of the bicycle, motorized bicycle, motorized scooter, moped, vehicle or device.

33 UC Riding Single File
Persons riding bicycles, motorized bicycles, motorized scooters and mopeds shall ride single file except on highways, paths, or roadways set aside for the temporary or permanent use of bicycles.

34 UC Right of Way
Bicycle, motorized bicycles, motorized scooters and moped operators shall yield the right of way to pedestrians.

35 UC Permit Required

(a) Every vehicle, not otherwise excepted below, parking on University property, must display a valid parking permit.

(b) All permits must be displayed properly.

(c) Permits are not transferable.

Excepted Vehicles:
(a) University owned vehicles may park in any legal parking space, except specially marked spaces such as "reserved," "provost," "preceptor," "disabled," "medical space," and Family Student Housing apartment spaces which are assigned by apartment number.

(b) Commercially marked delivery vehicles may park while picking up or making deliveries without a parking permit. This exemption does not apply to specially marked parking spaces.

(c) Vehicles parked in most "A," "B," "C," or "R" lots Monday through Friday from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. and Saturdays, Sundays, and University holidays. NOTE: the permit requirement in some lots is enforced during extended hours. It is the driver’s responsibility to check the hours of enforcement posted on the lot entrance sign.

36 UC Valid Permits
(a) An unexpired UCSC permit mounted in accordance with instructions received with the permit.

(b) An unexpired university permit from another University of California campus. Other UC permits that are valid 5 days per week will be valid for five days per calendar at UC Santa Cruz. See more information regarding reciprocity.

37 UC Visitor Vehicle Parking
(a) All visitor vehicles must have a valid parking permit before occupying any parking space on UCSC property during hours of enforcement.

(b) Parking permits are not required in ParkMobile spaces as long as the fee is paid.

38 UC Altered Parking Permit
Permits may not be altered or counterfeit. A parking permit is considered counterfeit/altered if it has been changed in any way, is a forgery, or is any other reproduced facsimile.

39 UC Additional Decals
Hang tags are available for those owning more than one vehicle. Persons having a hang tag which is valid on more than one vehicle may not have more than one vehicle on campus at the same time.

40 UC Parking Lot Use
The type of permit issued shall indicate the lot(s) to be used by the vehicle. Vehicles shall park only in those lots and spaces authorized for use by the permit displayed on the vehicle.

41 UC Parking in Lots
(a) Vehicles, not otherwise excepted below, shall be parked only in parking lots and other areas designated for parking by the painting of parking spaces or other means.

(b) Where parking spaces are designated by painted lines or other means, vehicles shall be parked only within the limits prescribed and shall not be parked across such lines. Media used to mark spaces must be visible on both sides or front and back of vehicle.

University Vehicles, during the course of their business at the University, and vehicles posessing a valid "O" or COnstruction permit, may park out of space.

42 UC ParkMobile
When ParkMobile spaces are utilized, all users, including current permit holders and guests, must pay the fee.

Vehicles possessing a valid "O" permit and guests or visitors with a disabled/ADA placard or license plate may park in ParkMobile spaces without paying the fee. UCSC affiliates with a disabled/ADA placard or license plate must pay the fee but may park longer than the designated time limit.

43 UC Loading Zone Use
Loading zones are not for general parking. They are used for loading and unloading for the amount of time posted. Loading zones are enforced 24 hours a day, including weekends, holidays, finals weeks, quarter breaks and summer.

43(A) UC Erasing Chalk Marks
No person shall erase chalk marks on tire(s) in order to remain in a time zone longer than posted time. Time zones are enforced 24 hours a day, including weekends, holidays, finals week, quarter breaks and summer.

44 UC Specially Posted Area
All specially marked areas and parking spaces such as "reserved," "provost," and "CRE" are not to be used except as posted. Specially posted areas and spaces are enforced 24 hours a day, including weekends, holidays, finals weeks, quarter breaks and summer unless exceptions are posted.
"O" permits are valid in ParkMobile spaces without paying fees, and loading and time zones for more than the time specified.

The college number, along with an "A" or "B" permit is valid in the preceptor and provost reserved spaces at the college designated by that number only (e.g. A1 or B1 are authorized by Cowell and are valid only at Cowell).

45 UC Red Curb/Fire Lane
No person shall stop, stand, or park any vehicle, other than emergency vehicles, whether the vehicle is attended or unattended alongside a red curb, or in a posted fire lane.
No person shall stop, stand, or park any unattended service vehicle, except public safety emergency vehicles, alongside a red curb, or in a posted fire lane in any manner that blocks emergency access.

46 UC Parking in Front of Barricades
Vehicles shall not park in front of bollards, post barriers, or fences which have been placed as a temporary barricade to prevent the use of a highway, street, path, roadway, sidewalk, service road, or parking lot by a vehicle. A temporary barricade is one which can be removed in case of an emergency.

47 UC Sale from Vehicle
No person shall sell merchandise or food from any vehicle of any kind upon any street, roadway, path, parking lot, or other campus location without a written permit from the Vice Chancellor of Business & Administration or a designated representative.

48 UC Taxicab Zones
No taxicab shall park upon any area of the campus for the purpose of soliciting fares.

49 UC Medical Space
(a) It is unlawful for any person to park or leave standing any vehicle in a stall or space designated "Reserved for Medical Permit" unless the vehicle displays either a distinguishing license plate, placard or valid "AH" permit issued by the UCSC Parking Service.

(b) It is unlawful for any person or vehicle to obstruct, block, or otherwise bar access to spaces designated "Reserved for Medical Permit."

51 UC Sleeping in Vehicles
During hours of darkness, no person shall sleep in any vehicle parked on campus. Special exception may be made by the University Police.

54 UC Leaving vehicle parked after receipt of loading/time zone violation citation
No operator of any vehicle shall permit said vehicle to remain parked in a loading/time zone after receipt of a citation for exceeding the parking time limit. Violation of this section will occur when a vehicle remains parked in the same space following receipt of a citation, and again exceeds the time limit for the space.

56 UC Leaving vehicle parked after receipt of ParkMobile violation citation
No operator of any vehicle shall permit said vehicle to remain parked in a ParkMobile space after receipt of a citation for exceeding the parking time limit. Violation of this section will occur when a vehicle remains parked in the ParkMobile space following receipt of a citation, and again exceeds the time limit for the space.

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Other UC Code Sections

55 UC Dogs Prohibited On Campus
It is unlawful for any person having ownership, custody, or control of any dog to cause, suffer or permit such dog to be on the campus of the University of California at Santa Cruz, whether with or without a leash. "Campus" includes all land owned by the University of California at Santa Cruz including the Long Marine Lab, parking lots, grounds, buildings, and all developed and undeveloped lands of the University of California. This section shall not apply to any of the following:

(a) Dogs which assist persons with disabilities

(b) Dogs which are utilized for campus security

(c) Laboratory animals used in education and research

(d) Dogs housed in staff or faculty owned residences, or Chancellor or Provost housing (the "Non-Research Animals on Campus" policy shall regulate these pets).

57 UC Camping on University Property
No person shall camp on any University of California at Santa Cruz property without prior permission from the UCSC Police Chief. Camping is defined as any of the following:

(a) The establishment of temporary or permanent living quarters in other than residence halls, apartments, or other University managed housing;

(b) Sleeping outdoors with or without bedding, tent, hammock, or similar protection or equipment between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 8:30 a.m.;

(c) Sleeping in or under any parked vehicle (except tenants legally residing in the University managed Recreational Vehicle Park)

1. Establishing or maintaining outdoors, or in or under any structure not intended for human occupancy, at any time during the day or night, a temporary or permanent place for cooking or sleeping by setting up any bedding, sleeping bag, blanket, mattress, tent, hammock or other sleeping equipment, or by setting up any cooking equipment.

58 UC Failure to Obey Official Traffic Control Devices
It shall be unlawful for any driver of a vehicle, bicycle, motorized bicycle, motorized scooter, moped or pedestrian to fail to obey any sign or signal erected or maintained to indicate and carryout the provisions of the vehicle code, or any local traffic ordinance or resolution or fail to obey any device erected or maintained pursuant to section 21113(a) V.C.

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Related California Vehicle Code Sections

Vehicle Code Applicable
All persons entering the campus are required to comply with the provisions of the California Vehicle Code and the regulations of the Regents of the University of California adopted pursuant to California Vehicle Code §21113, and are subject to the penalties prescribed therein.

Rights and Duties Applicable
Every bicycle rider on campus shall have all the rights and duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle and shall obey applicable laws of the California Vehicle Code.

21113(a) CVC Driving or Parking on Public Grounds
No person shall drive any vehicle or animal upon the driveways, paths, parking facilities, or grounds of the University except with the permission of, and upon and subject to such conditions and regulations as may be imposed by the University.

22507.8 CVC Parking in Spaces for the Disabled
(a) It is unlawful for any person to park or leave standing any vehicle in a stall or space designated for disabled persons and disabled veterans pursuant to §22511.7 or 22511.8, unless the vehicle displays either a special identification license plate issued pursuant to §5007 or a distinguishing placard issued pursuant to § 22511.55 or 22511.59.

(b) It is unlawful for any person to obstruct, block or otherwise bar access to those parking stalls or spaces except as provided in subdivision (a).

22514 CVC Fire Hydrants
No person shall stop, park or leave standing any vehicle within 15 feet of a fire hydrant.

22651(I) CVC Circumstances Permitting Removal
When any vehicle has been issued five or more notices of parking violations, the vehicle may be impounded until payment, or evidence of payment, for all notices of parking violations has been furnished.

27315 CVC Mandatory Seat Belt Law
"No person shall operate a private passenger motor vehicle on a highway unless that person and all passengers four years of age or over are restrained by a safety belt."

27360 CVC Child Safety Seats
"It is unlawful permit a child under four years of age or weighing less than 40 lbs., to be transported...without providing and properly using for each child a passenger seat restraining system..."

40215(b) CVC Administrative Hearing
If the person is dissatisfied with the results of the initial review, the person may request an administrative hearing of the violation no later than 21 calendar days following the mailing of the results of the issuing agency's initial review. The request may be made by telephone, in writing, or in person. The person requesting an administrative hearing shall deposit the amount of the parking penalty with the processing agency. The issuing agency shall adopt a written procedure to allow a person who is indigent, as defined in Section 40220, to request an administrative hearing without payment of the parking penalty upon satisfactory proof of an inability to pay the amount due.  An administrative hearing shall be held within 90 calendar days following the receipt of a request for an administrative hearing, excluding time tolled pursuant to this article. The person requesting the hearing may request one continuance, not to exceed 21 calendar days.

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Hours of Parking Enforcement
Parking regulations shall be enforced at all times, including holidays, finals weeks, quarter breaks, and summer. The following cases are noteworthy:

1) ParkMobile is enforced according to the posted hours for the lot.

2) Most upper campus lots are enforced from 7:00 AM to 8:30 PM. Some lots are enforced 24/7.

3) Visitors require a permit to park in accordance with the regulations of the lot in which they are parked. At other times they do not require a permit. Exception: some lots are posted "Permit Required 24 Hours Daily" and are enforced as posted; specially marked areas and spaces are enforced 24 hours a day.

4) "B", "C", and "R" permits may use an "A", "B", or "C" space on weekends between 5:00 p.m. on Friday and 7:00 a.m. on Monday, if lot sign is posted as "ALL PERMITS AFTER 5:00 PM." All other spaces to be used as specified.

5) Visitor parking regulations may be waived during prescribed periods of designated campus events.

Issuance and Revocation of Permits
Parking permits are the property of the University and may be revoked or refused issuance for violations of the UCSC Parking Policies or Regulations. A few examples of these are:

1) False information given to the Parking or Police office in person or on the Parking Application.

2) Alteration, resale, transfer, counterfeiting, or theft of a parking permit.

3) Permit purchased with the intent to circumvent UCSC Parking Regulations.

Permission to Enter Campus
Permission to enter the campus may be revoked at any time by the authorized agent of the Regents of the University.

Signs and Signals
The Chancellor of the University of California at Santa Cruz, or designated representative shall determine and designate all official warning and directional and speed control signs or signals except those to be used for temporary emergencies such as "Wreck Ahead," "Icy," "Slide Ahead," etc. All such signs shall comply with specifications prescribed in the California Vehicle Code.

Utility Company or Contractor Signs
All utility company and contractor permanent signs to control the movement of vehicle and pedestrians shall not be used unless approved by the University Police Department.

Safety Barricades, etc
Bollards, barriers, posts or other barricades, deemed necessary for safety or convenience, may be placed at any location at the discretion of the Chancellor or designated representative.

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UC Santa Cruz Parking Citation Fine Amounts

Parking citation fines effective September 23, 2023
Table with parking citation fine amounts
Code Section Description of Section Fine 
21 UC Obstruction of Roadway, Path, etc. $60
25 UC Direction of Traffic $36
26 UC Restricted Area $33
27 UC Restricted Area (Motorcycles) $26
28 UC Fire Hazard $75
31 UC Bicycle Path $26
32 UC Bicycle Parking $46
35(a) UC No Parking Permit $75
35(b) UC Improper Permit Display $75
35(c) UC Transferred Permit $40
36 UC Expired Parking Permit $50
38 UC Altered Parking Permit $300
40 UC Parking Lot Use $40
41(a) UC Parking in Area Not Designated $80
41(b) UC Parking Out of Space/Across Lines $45
42 UC Expired Meter/ParkMobile $50
42(a) UC Expired Paystall/ParkMobile $50
43 UC Loading/Time Zone Use $45
43(a) UC Erasing Chalk Marks $70
44 UC Parking in Specially Posted Area $100
44(a) UC Parked in Chancellor, O Permit, CRE or Provost Space $130
45 UC Red Curb/Fire Lane $100
46 UC Parking in Front of Barricades $60
49 UC Medical Space $250
54 UC Leaving Vehicle Parked After Loading/Time Zone Citation $25
56 UC Leaving Vehicle Parked After ParkMobile Citation $25
22507.8(a) VC Parked in Space for Disabled $445
22507.8(b) VC Blocking Space for Disabled $445
22507.8(c) CVC Parking on Crosshatched Lines $445

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