Public Transit Resources

If you’re new to using public transit, you might need some help getting around - especially if you aren’t familiar with the Santa Cruz area! One of the best tools you can utilize to get started is your phone. There are many different transit apps and websites available. They’re convenient and easy to use, and some even provide real-time tracking data down to the minute!


The Transit app, available on both Android and iOS, is a mobile application providing real-time public transit dataTo get started, download the app - once you open it, the green search bar prompts you to enter a location. Once you input your location, Transit recommends the fastest route, whether it be taking a bus, walking, or using rideshare apps if there is no other option. Transit even calculates how long it will take to walk to the bus stop! Once a bus route is recommended, Transit maps out the journey, notifying you before it’s time to get off at a stop.

A screenshot of the Transit landing page.

Google Maps

Google Maps is both an app (available on both Android and iOS) and a website. Like Transit, Google Maps plans out trips and lays out which routes to use and which stops to get off at. Unlike Transit, Google Maps can schedule trips with multiple stops, and can also account for traveling via car. To use Google Maps, download the app or check out the website and input your destination. Depending on which method of transportation you choose, Google Maps will calculate your journey accordingly. For example, if you choose to bike, Google Maps will plan out the most bike-friendly routes. Or, if you choose to take a bus, Google Maps will direct you to the nearest bus stop and estimate what time the bus will arrive.

A screenshot of Google Maps' landing page.


METRO Splash Pass

Finally, the METRO Splash Pass app (available on Android and iOS) is great for accessing Santa Cruz METRO-specific schedules and tickets. While a UCSC student ID is a free bus pass for most METRO buses, sometimes it is necessary to buy tickets. The Highway 17 bus that goes to San Jose, for example, requires a $7 fee. The METRO Splash Pass app is a quick and easy way to buy tickets in advance! Plus, the app links to Santa Cruz METRO’s full list of bus schedules and routes.

A screenshot of METRO Splash Pass's landing page.