Campus Road Closures and Detours

September 09, 2019

Tha Campus is continuing necessary construction and repairs during the summer months, implementing road closures and affecting traffic in the following areas: 

Kerr Road

Kerr Road north of Kerr Hall to Steinhart Way, as well as the path to the pedestrian bridge, will be closed for repaving on September 10th. Vehicles will be able to access Parking Lot 141 (Chancellor’s parking lot), the Kerr Hall traffic circle, and the Kerr Hall loading dock from the south. There will be no access from Steinhart way. 

***Pedestrians WILL NOT be able to access the bridge to Heller Drive. Pedestrians and cyclists CAN pass on the road, using extreme caution near the adjacent work. ***

Affected Area:

Kerr Road & path to bridge, north of Kerr Hall to Steinhart Way (see map)

Scheduled Dates:

September 10th

Scheduled Times:

All Day 

For questions, please contact Associate Architect Andrea Hilderman at (831) 588-6134.


College Nine

A crane lift will be used at College Nine tomorrow, affecting traffic and causing lane closures. THe College Nine loading dock will be closed during the crane lift and College Nine Road will be reduced to one lane. Traffic control will be in place.

**The red area on this diagram will be inaccessible to all personnel and vehicles while the crane is in place. Please avoid this area on August 28th.*

Affected Area:

College Nine Road & Loading Dock (see map)

Scheduled Dates:

August 28th

Scheduled Times:

7:00 am - Noon

For questions, please contact the Project Manager, Mike Dolder

Campus extension: 2-7639

Cell: (831) 212-0262



Crown Circle

Demolition, repaving and grading at Crown Circle will be phased to allow access to the College, Dining Commons and KZSC. Emergency vehicles will have access at all times. Expect some traffic delays due to this work.

Affected Area:

Crown Circle (see map)

Scheduled Dates:


Scheduled Times:

7:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.

For questions, please contact Project Manager Kimi Owen at (831) 246-3089.


Kerr Road

Kerr Road, north of Kerr Hall to Steinhart Way will have one lane closed for work on the EH&S Facility. Vehicles will be able to access Parking Lot 141 (Chancellor’s parking lot), the Kerr Hall traffic circle, and the Kerr Hall loading dock from the south. There will be no access from Steinhart Way

***Pedestrians and cyclists may pass, using extreme caution near the adjacent work.***

Affected Area:

Kerr Road, north of Kerr Hall to Steinhart Way (see map)

Scheduled Dates:


Scheduled Times:

8:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.

For questions, contact Andrea Hillerman at (831) 588-6134


College Nine

The service Road and two ADA parking spaces will be closed for demolition, paving and grading at College Nine. Emergency vehicle access will remain at all times. Temporary ADA spaces will be available in Lot 166.

***Vehicle, pedestrian and cyclist access to College Ten Residence Halls 4, 5 and 6 will be from College Ten Road ONLY***

Affected Area:

College Nine service road (see map)

Scheduled Dates: 


Scheduled Times:

8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

For questions, contact Luis A. Roa at (831) 291-1911

McHenry Road

The segment of McHenry Road between Myer Drive and Parking Lot 120A will have lane closures from 7/8/2019 through 8/2/2019. Detours and traffic control will be in place during this time.

Affected Area:

McHenry Road segment from Meyer Drive to Parking Lot 120A.

Site Location Map

Traffic Control Plan

Scheduled Dates:

Monday 7/8–Thursday 7/11:  
One-way south-bound traffic control with flaggers, minor delays possible.

Friday 7/12:
Road closed from Meyer Drive to Parking Lot 120A.

Tuesday 7/13–Monday 7/22:
One-way south-bound traffic control with flaggers, minor delays possible.

Tuesday 7/23:
Road closed from Meyer Drive to Parking Lot 120A.

Tuesday 7/25:
One-way south-bound traffic control with flaggers; monor delays possible. North-bound detour signs posted.

Friday 7/26:
Road closed from just past Arts Parking Lot 126 to Parking Lot 120A. Detour signs posted.

Saturday 7/27-Friday 8/2:
One-way south-bound traffic control from just past Arts Parking Lot 126 to Parking Lot 120A; minor delays possible.

Traffic control will be used/in place, possible wait times for traffic could be up to 10 minutes. Please be observant and use caution when passing through this area.

Scheduled Times:

7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


Kerr Road & Partial Path

New construction for the Environmental Health & Safety Facility will close Kerr Road from Steinhart Way to Kerr Hall. Access to the adjacent pedestrian path, which leads to the foot bridge, also will be blocked. Vehicles can access Parking Lot 141 (Chancellor’s parking lot), the Kerr Hall traffic circle, and the Kerr Hall loading dock from the south. There will be no access from Steinhart Way. Pedestrians and cyclists cannot pass.

Affected Area:

Kerr Road, north of Kerr Hall to Steinhart Way AND Path to foot bridge (see map).

Scheduled Dates:

June 24–July 3, 2019

Scheduled Times:

All Day

College 9 Road and Loading Dock

A crane lift will be used to replace failing refrigeration equipment. During the crane lift, College Nine Loading Dock will be closed and College Nine Road will be reduced to one lane of traffic. Traffic control will be used and in place. 

Affected Area:  

College Nine Dining Loading Dock / College Nine Road (see map)

Scheduled Date:

Friday, June 28, 2019

Scheduled Times:

7:00 AM - 12:00 Noon


For questions, please contact the Physical Plant Service Center Work Control desk at (831) 459-4444.

TAPS will continue to post traffic and parking impact updates on our website and social media. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for alerts and updates.