Tha Campus will implementing road closures and affecting traffic in the following areas in the coming weeks:
Lower Red Hill Road
Utility will locate then pothole at four (4) locations (using non-destructive methods) as well as excavate four (4) trenches across Lower Red Hill Road to expose and identify buried utilities. Pave back will occur once buried utilities are identified and surveyed. Traffic control will be used / in place; possible wait times of up to 5 minutes. Emergency access through the work area will be maintained at all times. Please be observant and use caution when using this road during scheduled dates
Affected Area:
Lower Red Hill Road (see map)
Scheduled Dates:
August 17-28, 2020
Scheduled Times:
7:00 am to 5:00 pm
For questions, please contact project manager Marc Douvia at (831) 502-8162 or (831) 419-4590.
Main Entrance
The intersection of Bay and High Street will have the traffic light to be set to flashing red with various traffic control equipment. Crews and equipment will working in the intersection. Please use caution and expect delays.
Affected Area:
Main Entrance Intersection of Bay & High Streets
Scheduled Dates:
August 25, 2020
Scheduled Times:
8:00 am - 7:00 pm
For questions, please contact project manager Zachary Tesky at (831) 459-1218