Do you have scratch-off permits that expire December 31, 2021? Due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic earlier this year, we understand that many have unused scratch-off permits they anticipated needing over the course of 2021.
As an exception to the standard no refund/exchange policy, TAPS is allowing all affiliates with scratch-off permits expiring 12/31/2021 to exchange their permits for new ones with a later expiration date. Permits must be exchanged by January 31, 2022.
Which permits are eligible?
Scratch-off permits that have been issued to individuals and have a final expiration date of December 31, 2021.
Scratch-off permits issued to departments are not eligible for exchange.
Scratch-off permits that expired in 2020 or earlier, or are set to expire in future years, are not eligible for exchange.
How do I exchange my scratch-off permits?
The original scratch-off permits must be returned in order to exchange them for new ones with a later expiration date. Scratch off permits may be returned in person to the TAPS Sales Office, or mailed* to:
TAPS Sales Office
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
*TAPS assumes no liability for permits lost in the mail. We encourage affiliates to return permits in person whenever possible.
When can I exchange my scratch-off permits?
Scratch-off permits may be exchanged effective immediately and until January 31, 2022. After January 31, TAPS will reinstate the standard refund/exchange policy for all scratch-off permits. As a reminder, TAPS recommends that you purchase only what you will utilize in the current calendar year.