Contractor and Vendor Parking Options
PP&C or Physical Plant Staging Site Permits: Used in securable fenced areas only (including the East Remote overflow lots), and managed entirely by PP&C or Physical Plant. This includes major construction sites, the overflow lots at the East Remote, or other fenced sites off pavement. Please note that wrapping a vehicle parked on pavement with "snow" fencing does not meet this standard. Additionally, please note that fencing at major construction sites or other fenced off-pavement sites should only be used for contractor & professional vehicles rather than the general workforce.
TAPS Contractor Staging Permits: Allow vehicles or equipment to park in TAPS-designated staging areas or in parking spaces reserved and signed for construction staging permits. TAPS posts these staging areas after the order is received. Moving the signs (and therefore the staging area) may only be done with TAPS' knowledge and permission.
To request construction-related parking or staging spaces, please use the TAPS Construction Contract. To fill the form, download it to your computer and view in Acrobat Reader.
A/Construction and Limited Construction Permits:
• A/Construction permit holders may park in A, B, or R permit spaces, University Vehicles spaces, and out of marked spaces.
• Limited Construction permit holders may only park out of marked spaces. If parked along sidewalks or roadways, these vehicles must maintain at least a 20-foot clearance to allow for emergency vehicles to safely pass. They may not block curb cuts or any part of an accessible path of travel, unless said area is inside a fenced construction site.
• Both A/Construction and Limited Construction permits are available as daily scratcher permits, or as non-scratcher permits (can be issued for up to three months).
Contractor Staging: Projects will be charged by the number of spaces taken, not the number of Staging permits issued. Costs:
In marked parking spaces: $10/space/day
Out of marked parking spaces: $5/space/day
A/Construction: $12/day
Limited Construction: $9/day
How to Purchase
To request A/Construction or Limited Construction parking permits through the recharge process, please use the online form at Once you submit the form, you will receive an automated confirmation of your order. Keep in mind that it can take up to three business days for a recharge order to be processed.
Please Note: You have 48 hours after submitting your online form to cancel the order without being assessed a $20 administrative fee. To cancel, email
UCSC Project Managers need to authorize contractors or vendors who can purchase their own A/Construction or Limited Construction permits by sending an email to the TAPS Sales Office (, stating the name of the contractor or business, and the duration of the authorization to purchase permits.
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