Off-Campus Parking Resources

NOTE: Off-campus parking is not maintained or administered by UCSC or TAPS. Please contact the individual lot to confirm availability and pricing.

City of Santa Cruz Depot Parking Lot

The City of Santa Cruz offers off campus long-term parking at Depot Park for $125 per quarter. Depot Park is located near downtown Santa Cruz, just a short walk to a Santa Cruz Metro bus stop where students can catch a bus to campus. Applications are available at the Santa Cruz City Parking Office, 124 Locust St. (office is in the front of the Locust Street Parking Garage). Call (831) 420-6098 during business hours, Monday through Friday, 9am to 4:30pm. A detailed location map is available at

High Street Church Parking Lots

The following churches offer parking by purchasing a quarterly or annual permit from the church office. Please phone the contact person listed for additional information.

Messiah Lutheran Church
This is a weekday commuter lot only; no overnight or weekend parking is offered. Cost - $400 annually for the period of 9/1 through 8/31. Hours - Monday through Friday 5:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Call (831) 423-8330 of come to the office Tuesday through Friday from 9am ti 1pm to apply for one of 50 parking permits.

Vintage Faith Church
This is a weekday commuter lot only; no overnight or weekend parking is offered. Cost - $100 per quarter or $225 from September 1 through July 1, up to 10 spaces. Hours - Monday through Friday 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Email or call (831) 429-1058 to request an application.

Peace United Church Of Christ
This parking lot is the closest to the UCSC Main Entrance, just over one block, at 900 High Street. The lot is at the front of the church, fully lit, and has an on-site resident custodian. To join the wait list, download the application from their website at Email inquiries are welcome at

High Street Community Church

First Step - Online Application: find on the website under resources. Note: the application holds your spot on the waitlist, it does not guarantee a parking spot.

Payment accepted: credit/PayPal - once your online application is complete, please wait for the office to send the PayPal link.

The parking lot is approximately 3 blocks from the UCSC Main Entrance, at 850 High Street. Annual parking is available for 24/7 and for 24 hours/6+ days a week.

There are two lots: Upper lot and Lower lot. Upper lot cars are not required to move on Sundays and will cost $850/school year or $335/quarter. Lower lot cars must move for church on Sunday (24/6 parking, your vehicle needs to be moved from 7am-1pm on Sundays). Lower lot permits cost $800/school year for an assigned space. The Lower lot quarterly rate $315.

If you attend a Sunday gathering, then you don't have to move your vehicle (High Street Community Church offers a free homemade meal for students and friends on Sundays at 11am, so you could roll down the hill at 10:30am, join for a homemade meal in the Fireside room, then go to the beach or visit Westlake Park across the street!)

The purchase price of a parking permit is non-refundable. Please email the church office manager with any questions.

First come, first served. Office hours are Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 11am– 4pm. Check the website under resources for more details.

See Also